Managing your allergy | Histallay

What Are Allergies?

We know how allergies can be bothersome and ruining our lives. However, more researchers start arguing that allergies are indicators of strong immune system that perceives an allergen as a potential threat and launches a defensive response. This includes the release of histamines, which trigger various responses, which lead to the familiar allergy symptoms. Common allergens may include tree and grass pollen (hay fever), mold spores, animal fur, house dust mites, certain foods, and insect venom.1

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About hay fever
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Is pollen one of the most common allergy triggers ?

“Hayfever” is predominantly caused by tree, grass, weed and flower pollen, however climate change, urbanisation, pollution, and lifestyle factors like smoking or vaping also contribute to the increased prevalence of Hay fever.

Are walls of your home free from allergens?

At least 12 million people in the UK suffer due to allergens present in their homes. Allergic reactions can also get triggered by certain foods, medications, and latex

Are mold allergies seasonal?

While mold spores can be more prevalent in certain seasons, they can be present year-round, especially in indoor environments.

In outdoor settings, mold spores tend to be more abundant during warm and humid months, such as spring and summer.

Dust can disrupt

Dust holds the power to disrupt your daily life. Dust allergies, also known as dust mite allergies, can make your immune system overreact, leading to uncomfortable symptoms and respiratory distress.

Woman experiencing dust allergy symptoms while cleaning

Pet allergies are caused by proteins found in a pet's skin cells (dander), saliva, urine or fur. When you are exposed to these substances, they can trigger your immune system to release histamines and other chemicals.